Explore the world of gamelan
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Parties du gong bulbé

  1. Types of gongs
  2. Different kinds of gongs in Asia
  3. Gongs of the gamelans are knobbed
  4. Parts of the knobbed gong
  5. Variations of the knobbed gong

Parts of the knobbed gong

Terms in black are Javanese, those in red are Balinese.


The side wall is called shoulder in Javanese (bahu) whereas in Bali it is called lip (bibih). The flat area around the peñcu is the face (rai in Javanese) or forehead (rai in Balinese). The mouth (lolohan in Javanese) is the gong's inner cavity. The side wall (bibih, bahu) is separate from the lambé by the pejungut, forming a circle. This separation is more often rounded than sharp.

The side wall is always sloping like in order to form a cone's base. Its depth is very variable from gong to gong. When it is quite deep, it acts as resonator. It makes therefore a good partner with the peñcu so as to give a strong vibration and a pronounced note to certain gongs.

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